US Divorce Rate Statistics 2023: How Co-Parents Manage Shared Debt and Finances

Onward Staff
May 3, 2023
Start managing shared expenses with your co-parent easily!

Divorce rates in the United States have been falling slowly over the past few decades, but they still remain higher than they were in the early 1970s. According to recent data, about 35-50% of first marriages end in divorce, while second marriages have a higher divorce rate of 60-70+%. Most divorces occur in the first five years of marriage, and communication problems, infidelity, and financial issues are the most common reasons for divorce.

Based on the latest data from the U.S. Census Bureau, the divorce rate in the United States was 7.6 per thousand in 2019, with about 827,261 divorces being registered that year. Since 2000, the total number of divorces has reached 8.3 million.

This can vary pretty greatly by state as well, with Nevada having the highest and Massachusetts having the lowest divorce rate. According to the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), here are the top states by divorce rate:

Top 10 States with the Highest Divorce Rates:

  1. Nevada — 4.2
  2. Oklahoma — 3.8
  3. Wyoming — 3.7
  4. Alabama — 3.6
  5. Arkansas — 3.6
  6. Florida — 3.4
  7. Idaho — 3.4
  8. Kentucky — 3.3
  9. Mississippi — 3.3
  10. Tennessee — 3.3

Divorce rates vary by occupation, with some professions having a higher rate of divorce than others. For example, construction workers, food delivery workers, and salespeople have some of the highest divorce rates. The Army also has a higher divorce rate than the general public, at 3.7 percent in 2018.

Divorce can have a significant impact on co-parents who are trying to take on new responsibilities while managing shared debt and financial obligations. It can be especially challenging to navigate these issues if communication is difficult between the co-parents.

While divorce rates in the United States may be slowly declining, co-parenting after divorce can still be a difficult and stressful process. Fortunately, companies like Onward are working to make this process easier by creating tools that can help co-parents manage shared expenses, communicate more effectively, and ultimately build a better parenting partnership.

One of the biggest challenges of co-parenting after a divorce is managing shared finances. Not only do co-parents need to work together to ensure their children's needs are met, but they also need to navigate shared expenses like medical bills, extracurricular activities, and even housing costs if they choose to maintain a joint residence.

These financial challenges can be particularly acute for parents who are struggling to rebuild their careers after a divorce. While one parent may be receiving spousal or child support payments, they may still be struggling to make ends meet as they re-enter the workforce or adjust to single parenthood. At the same time, the other parent may be facing their own financial challenges, such as paying for child care or juggling multiple jobs to make ends meet.

Despite the growing availability of these tools, however, many co-parents still struggle to manage their finances after a divorce. This can be particularly challenging for parents who are dealing with difficult ex-partners or complex legal issues related to custody and support.

In some cases, co-parenting mediation may be necessary to help parents navigate these challenges and find a way to work together effectively. Mediation can be particularly effective for parents who are struggling to communicate or who are facing disagreements over financial issues.

This is where Onward comes in. Onward is a company that creates tools for co-parents to track, share, and get paid back for shared expenses with their ex or co-parents. By using Onward, co-parents can avoid conflicts and disagreements when dividing costs such as child support, medical bills, and additional activities.

One of the key benefits of Onward is that it collects all the relevant information in one place, which can help co-parents avoid miscommunication and ensure that both parties are on the same page. The app allows co-parents to track expenses, create and share receipts, and communicate about shared expenses in real-time.

Another benefit of Onward is that it offers co-parents a way to earn their share. Using the app, the co-parent can request to split the costs, and the other parent can accept and send the money easily. This feature helps reduce stress and conflict over joint debt because both parties can be sure they're getting a fair deal.

Onward also offers features like automatic reminders for upcoming expenses, the ability to export expenses for tax purposes, and the ability to invite their co-parent to collaborate together.

Ultimately, the key to successful co-parenting after a divorce is to be proactive, communicative, and flexible. By working together and using the available tools and resources, co-parents can build a strong partnership that supports the best interests of their children and allows them to thrive despite the challenges of divorce.

In conclusion, divorce rates in the United States are still significant, and they can have a significant impact on co-parents trying to build their new careers. However, tools like Onward can help make the process of co-parenting easier and less stressful by providing a centralized platform for tracking and sharing expenses, communicating more effectively, and earning a fair share. With the help of these tools, co-parents can focus on providing the best possible care for their children and building a better future for themselves and their families.

Start managing shared expenses with your co-parent easily!

Onward Staff